E15 Sites - Karlovac (HR)

Producing the new urbanity

Site Location Karlovac, Croatia
Project Scales  L - urban + architecture
Site Family CHANGING METABOLISM - From linear to circular economy
Post-competition phase Urban development plan

See the site page here
See here the map of the different sites

How Can the Site Contribute to the Productive City? 
Karlovac is a city of rich industrial heritage that forms an important part of local identity. The city still has the characteristics of a productive city with a vital economy of a classic type. The main urban axis Luščić – Novi centar (new city centre) – Zvijezda (star-shaped historic core) – Gaza – the Korana river is planned to be an elongated zone accommodating central urban functions and recognizable public spaces. Karlovac would like the productive city topic to be applied to this site by exploring themes such as creative industry, culture factories and opportunities for new forms of work and (self)employment. The goal is to transform this currently derelict site by producing an urban fabric with all aspects of desired urbanity, which includes mixed and adaptable uses, new typologies, improved mobility, a sharing economy, the use of renewable sources of energy (including geothermal) and the creation of new public spaces.