Portraits/Interviews Équipes primées E13

All Tomorrow's Parties

Linz (AT) – Lauréat

Représentante d’équipe : Benni Eder (AT) – architecte ; Associée : Theresa Krenn (AT) – architecte

Voir le portrait complet ici
Voir la liste complète des portraits ici

Studio uek

"The essential base for the proposed project is to understand the Linz Oed neighbourhood as a network of manifold collectives of different scales. These collectives overlap and interfere both in regard to their territories and their characteristics. The project aims to identify, strengthen and connect these collectives by the means of participative processes and projective spatial interventions of differing scales. These interventions –from the size of a parking lot to the size of a square– carry in themselves the scenario of sharing and belonging, as well as the scenario of change."