Catalogue of implementation 2008-2012


Ideas changing
Europan implementations 2008-2012


The book Ideas changing, Europan implementations 2008-2012 presents 60 active processes from the last two sessions between 2008 and 2012. Not comprehensive, it is a range of innovative processes taken at different stages from idea to implementation in the context of real urban conditions.
 Whilst respecting diversity, the different processes are grouped into six thematic categories each associated with a project issue and a process issue:

1- Inventing typologies to diversify uses
2- Creating a porous urban connective tissue
3- Regenerating inhabited milieus
4- Reconciling density and privacy
5- Connecting through shared spaces
6- Making the city with flows.

This presentation by broad themes highlights the importance in the processes of the strategy definition phase, where the competition ideas disrupt or energise the planning framework in a given context, by reinterpreting the environments they produce. Because of their force lines, but also because they are not fully formalised, once the actors commit to a negotiated project process, projects that are still only at the outline phase provide a vision of the future and widen the range of potential for future change.

You can buy it online HERE