E14 Sites - Évreux (FR)

Productive Train Station

Site Location CA Evreux Portes de Normandie, City of Evreux - the Chartraine axis, from the train station to the university
Project Scales L/S - Urban and/or architectural
Site Family From Functionalist Infrastructures to Productive City
Post-competition phase studies of urban and architectural feasibility, guideline plan, and/or development project for public spaces

See the site page here
See here the map of the different sites

How Can the Site Contribute to the Productive City? 
The station and its immediate surroundings constitute an urban system that juxtaposes the Madeleine district and the city centre, without any effective interaction. A genuine "frontier zone", uncrossable and even inhospitable, the station area has become an important space while at the same time a public space suffering from a lack of definition. There is an opportunity on the property around the station to build a new urbanity that is not kept within its boundaries but deployed along a north-south axis connecting the Madeleine district to the city center.