Portraits/Interviews des équipes primées E12

En, to, tre...rødt lys!

Ås (NO) – Lauréat

Représentant d'équipe : Luca Moscelli (IT) – architecte ; Associés : Angelo Renna (IT), Davide Sacconi (IT) – architectes
Collaborateur : Raffaele Patitucci (IT) – architecte urbaniste

Voir le portrait complet ici
Voir la liste complète des portraits ici

L. Moscelli, A. Renna et D. Sacconi

"[…] The massive and fast growth of the Oslo region is activating energies and hopes as well as uncertainty and concerns regarding a transformation that seems radical and inevitable. This delicate moment of transition demands the elaboration of a strategy that could direct the urban development while at the same time being open to accommodate unpredictable changes. We believe architecture can frame changes through space and over time: rather than being subjected to the volatile desires of the market, architecture can be used as a device to define an open field of possibilities."