Portraits/Interviews Équipes primées E13


Bamberg (DE) – Mentionné

Représentant d'équipe : Bernardo Grilli di Cortona (IT) – architecte ; Associés : Francesco Corona (IT), Francesca Errico (IT), Marco Miotto (IT) – architectes

Voir le portrait complet ici
Voir la liste complète des portraits ici

B. Grilli di Cortona, F. Errico, M. Miotto & F. Corona

"Connective tissue (CT*) is one of the four types of biological tissue that supports, connects, or separates different types of tissues and organs in the body. The aim of our project is to revitalize Bamberg East reinforcing its identity and connecting it to the rest of the city, not only in a physical way. Our project wants to be a new attraction centre for the people who live there, for the urban community and for internationals tourists."