Portraits/Interviews Équipes primées E13

Connecting Ørsta

Ørsta (NO) – Lauréat

Représentant d’équipe: Jens Nyboe Andersen (DK) – paysagiste ; Associés: Karl Johan Baggins (DK) – paysagiste ; Maria Crammond (DK) – architecte

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J. Nyboe Andersen, M. Crammond & K. J. Baggins

"Three main connections – the Urban Connection, the Park Connection and the Educational Connection – define and strengthen the center of the town, tying together what today appear as divided islands with different programs. Besides, a Harbour Promenade binds the connections together and crosswise; functioning as an Add-On to the existing quay, it is the physical link between Ørsta center and the sea."