E16 Sites - Brussels Capital Region (BE)

"What future for the CIVA site?"

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Localisation Ixelles, Brussels Capital Region
Échelle Urban and architectural
Famille de site Care – Gérer de nouveaux usages
Phase post-concours Detailed Program-Building Study

Comment le métabolisme et l'inclusivité doivent-ils être développés et reliés ?
The CIVA is a museum, archives, library, meetings and discussions place about architecture and landscape. The archives house more than 500 collections. In 2024, the CIVA will move in the Kanal-Pompidou project, in the former Citroën garage near the Willebroek Canal in downtown Brussels. It is therefore expected from E16 to lead to a visionary future of the site, once the buildings will be emptied of their collections and museum functions.