E16 Sites - Madrid (ES)

"Producer Districts"

Voir la carte des différents sites ici


Localisation 5 urban lands in Madrid city: (1) & (2) Plot F &. G, Gran San Blas // (3) Las Rosas // (4) Fuencarral district // (5) IFEMA trade fair precinct
Échelle S / size of each operation + L / scope of the project
Famille de site Revitalisation - Renforcer la biodiversité
Phase post-concours Several options are considered: Commission for the project; Production of a brand manual or design guide for the Producer Districts projects

Comment le métabolisme et l'inclusivité doivent-ils être développés et reliés ?
The choice of the competition plots is linked to the Madrid City Council's project, “Barrios Productores” (Producer Districts). The aim is to progress towards a change of model in the way we work on the city based on the recovery and regeneration of urban voids in empty or misused plots through a strengthened dialogue between city and nature. We seek to integrate food production with the urban fabric, which will give rise to a dual effect: the renaturalisation of dense urban fabrics and the involvement of residents in initiatives that will collaborate with the conservation of public spaces, improve their everyday landscape and potentially be sources of employment.