Sites E15 - Borås (SE)

Écosystème d'une usine métallurgique

Situation Gässlösa, Borås
Échelles de projet XL/L - territoire / urbain + architecture
Famille de site FAIRE ÉVOLUER LES MÉTABOLISMES - Multiplier et connecter les organismes
Phase post concours Études urbaines en collaboration avec la ville de Borås

Voir ici la page du site en anglais
Voir ici la carte des différents sites

How Can the Site Contribute to the Productive City? 
Gässlösa is transforming into an integrated part of the urban fabric with homes, work-places, culture and services. The task is to plan a sustainable neighbourhood that can grow along the river Viskan, making good use of the river, parks and nearby recreational areas. The area offers a good opportunity to combine existing old buildings, spaces and businesses with new developments and sustainable ways of living to create a new type of transformative city. The site location is easily accessible, just 1 km from the train sta-tion, city centre and new road connections. Gässlösa should be socially linked with its surroundings, using green and blue elements to connect the new area with the existing urban fabric, and thereby linking people together. Exposure to diversity, different cultural expressions and lifestyles will inspire new ideas, perspectives and greater tolerance. Access to education, community, security, health, equality, integration and culture should all be priorities.