Portraits/Interviews des équipes primées E12

Piztutako Irimo

Urretxu-Irimo (ES) – Lauréat

Représentant d'équipe : Carlos Soria Sánchez (ES) – architecte ; Associés : Laura Fernández García (ES), Irene Vitorica Donezar (ES), Ana Rosa Soria Sánchez (ES) – architectes

Voir le portrait complet ici
Voir la liste complète des portraits ici

C. Soria Sánchez, I. Vitorica Donezar, A. R. Soria Sánchez et L Fernández García

"The proposal begins with a strategy that allows us to initially develop the project as an abstract (electronic) object where no dominant relation among function and form exists. It is an approach of actions and ideas understood as latent energies on the site. We bet on a ‘non-form architecture’ that allows additions, subtractions and modifications to be spontaneously and easily absorbed without changing the sense of order. We prefer working with an operative mechanism rather than with a restrictive document."