Portraits/Interviews des équipes primées E12

Responsive System

Kristinehamn (SE) – Lauréat

Représentant d'équipe : Mario Benedetto Assisi (IT) – architecte ; Associés : Giuseppe Crispino (IT), Valentina Milani (IT), Irene Toselli (IT) – architectes 
Collaborateurs : Giulia Pozzi (IT) – architecte ; Andrea Pozzani (IT) – étudiant en architecture 

Voir le portrait complet ici
Voir la liste complète des portraits ici

G. Crispino, I. Toselli, V. Milani, M. B. Assisi, G. Pozzi et A. Pozzani

"Responsive System emphasizes on dynamic processes, resilience and adaptation through time, reactivating both cultural and ecological dynamics at the water’s edge, adapting to the fluctuations of the river and the lake. Rather than proposing an isolated answer, the project identifies a system of urban voids that can be connected and activated within a responsive framework for ecological and urban change. […] Moving beyond engineering, the proposal envisions a blue and green framework that enhances public spaces at different scales, making water fluctuation and circulation clearly perceptible. This new framework plays a key environmental role and constitutes the fundamental structure for the future landscape."