Portraits/Interviews Équipes primées E13

Insert Coina

Barreiro (PT) – Mentionné

Représentant d’équipe: Massimo Dicecca (IT) – architecte ; Associés: Elisa Avellini (IT), Marcella Claps (IT), Andrea De Sanctis (IT), Dario Marcobelli (IT) – architectes

Voir le portrait complet ici
Voir la liste complète des portraits ici

D. Marcobelli, M. Claps, M. Dicecca, E. Avellini & A. De Sanctis

"Our main goal was to consider the city as a process rather than a static object. We intend to involve social and economical actors together with architectural and natural ones to coordinate both horizontal and vertical strategies. We are proposing a series of design actions and reactions that could make of this site an “adaptable”, coherent and open-structured part of the city. We worked on a gradual, step-by-step process to define identities and places and to finally re-know them."