Portraits/Interviews Équipes primées E13

Culture Symbiotic

Lund (SE) – Lauréat

Représentante d’équipe : Joanna Hagstedt (SE) – urbaniste ; Associé : David Kiss (SE) – architecte urbaniste
Collaborateurs : Erik Jansson (SE), Simon Wallqvist (SE) – architectes

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D. Kiss, E. Jansson, S. Wallqvist & J. Hagstedt

"We chose to highlight urban development through cultural enlightenment rather than work with traditional process driven urban development. Lund has a great circulation of people and professionals; Lund University educates thousands of students, yet the city has a hard time keeping the young creative minds after graduation. Adapting the industrial buildings, intensifying life close to the new railway station and fostering the cultural activities and communities in the area will help create a passion-driven creative hub."