E15 Sites - Barcelona (ES)

Vallbona, Urban Ecology

Site Location Barcelona, Nou Barris, Vallbona
Project Scales  L - urban + architecture
Site Family IMPLANTING - Productive milieus
Post-competition phase Planning and/or project Development, depending on the winning proposals

See the site page here
See here the map of the different sites

How Can the Site Contribute to the Productive City? 
The proposed site is part of a desire to shape an urban area as a space for new housing and equipped urban agriculture. The goal is urban densification and urban production. 
We regard the city as a diverse, mixed, active territory where production and housing should complement and be integrated with the immediate surroundings. The existence of land that is still available for agricultural uses in the urban areas around Barcelona is a great opportunity. At the same time, the project is working on improvements to the neighbourhood and its residential densification. Naturalization and production are appreciated as the basic thrusts of this urban renewal.