E15 Sites - Madrid La Arboleda (ES)

Reactivate, Hybridize, Connect

Site Location Calle Gran Vía del Este 80, Madrid
Project Scales XL/S - territory / architecture + context
Site Family CREATING PROXIMITIES - Third spaces in-between
Post-competition phase Planning Project (Plan Director, PERI, etc.), other

See the site page here
See here the map of the different sites

How Can the Site Contribute to the Productive City? 
The transformation of public land in an area designated for business activity on the basis of a more democratic, inclusive and socially and environmentally sustainable model. The revitalisation of an industrial estate, an obsolete production zone, alongside a university campus and a hospital. 
The aim is to turn this into a new area that consolidates the city’s complexity with a mix of uses and services and generates an urban fabric with citizen-related activities in synergy with the hospital. 
The site is a large, undeveloped space around the hospital. A new planning proposal should be a value-adding opportunity for the area that enhances the hospital, resolves the connections with the existing urban fabric and turns it into a pole of attraction.