E15 Sites - Uddevalla (SE)

Integrating productivity

Site Location Dalaberg, Hovhult and Bulid (Northern Uddevalla)
Project Scales L - urban + architecture
Site Family IMPLANTING - Productive uses
Post-competition phase Urban studies in collaboration with the City of Uddevalla

See the site page here
See here the map of the different sites

How Can the Site Contribute to the Productive City? 
Due to the urban development of the last 50 years the residential areas of Dalaberg and Hovhult are today characterized by segregation. The majority of residents in this area are immigrants who come from outside the EU and many have sufficient working experience. Some of the most recently arrived immigrants are well-educated but not well-integrated in Swedish society. They have the potential, but often lack the means, to create new jobs within various branches. Even those who are less educated can contribute with creativity stimulated by cultural diversity, which is often common in segregated communities. Established locations where the local community can meet and exchange ideas will create a productive atmosphere that encourages entrepreneurship in a broad range of fields. Today the area is already teeming with cultural activities. The area’s proximity to the unexploited nature of Bulid presents the opportunity to develop new synergy effects between urban and rural environments.