Portraits/Interviews Équipes primées E14

Makers Neighbourhood

Amsterdam Papaverdriehoek (NL) – Lauréat

Représentant d'équipe: Alessandro Macaluso (IT) – architecte et urbaniste
Associés: Carlotta Basoli (IT) – architecte paysagiste; Andrei Deacu (RO) – urbaniste; Giovanni Lavanna (IT) – architecte 

Voir le portrait complet en anglais ici
Voir la liste des portraits d'équipe ici

G. Lavanna, C. Basoli, A. Deacu & A. Macaluso

"We have proposed an all-round project providing both a conceptual and flexible masterplan for the strategic site and a specific design for the project site. In the project site we applied, at a smaller scale, all the conceptual principles we have developed in our overall strategy. Today, the site holds the valuable De Ceuvel project, that gives the area character and strong identity. Our main goal is to integrate and implement the new functions and needs of the site while preserving and getting inspired by the current features and atmosphere."

Aerial view
View of the project site from the water
Main axe and cross section