Portraits/Interviews Équipes primées E14

Le grand parc - La Jordanne entre en Ville

Aurillac (FR) - Lauréat

Représentant d’équipe: Simon Gabillard (FR) – architecte paysagiste
Associées: Héloïse Boujou (FR) – architecte paysagiste; Mercè Pages (ES) – architecte
Collaborateurs: Manon Bouju (FR), Manuel Hennin (FR) – analystes économiques; Louise Bassigny (FR) – architecte d'intérieur; Clément Berthollet (FR) – architecte paysagiste

Voir le portrait complet en anglais ici
Voir la liste des portraits d'équipe ici

C. Bertholet, H. Bouju, L. Bassigny, M. Bouju, M. Hennin, S. Gabillard et M. Pages

"The Great Parc is an extensive public space with multiple uses, including car parks, energy production and activities. In Aurillac, the city center is productive, the countryside is productive. The site is at the interface : how can it be more than a service area, wiped out / faded by (the ubiquity of) cars and the closed walls of the Engie brownfield ? The Great Parc acts as an interface between productive activities, and as a place for emerging productions. As specialists of space design, it is not our role to decide which productive activity will be established, (no more than we can declare producing social link) - this is up to citizens and actors of Aurillac, and it requires dialogue with them. But we can design the frame : creating capable spaces that are hybrid, flexible, generous, mixed, that generate frictions and encounters - spaces to inspire and receive this activities."


Rediscovering the Jordanne's shores
Axonometric view of the project
Hybrid spaces