Portraits/Interviews Équipes primées E14

Urban Platform. Digital Work and Placemaking for Piarcoplein

Amsterdam Piarcoplein (NL) - Mentionné

Représentant d’équipe : Michele Angelo Valliceli (IT) – architecte
Associées: Giulia Panadisi (IT), Annalisa Pilati (IT) – architectes

Voir le portrait complet en anglais ici
Voir la liste des portraits d'équipe ici

M. Valliceli, G. Panadisi et A. Pilati 

We looked at the way in which new digital technologies are transforming workplace, responding to this through physical and digital connectivity. We wanted to propose from the beginning a digital infrastructure capable of making a local and collaborative environment at the district scale - a City OS. From the physical side, our point was to go beyond the idea of co-working or collaborative spaces, making workplaces part of the urban space. 

Urban Platform. Digital Work & Placemaking
Modular structures under the railway tracks
Perspectives of the project different levels