Portraits/Interviews Équipes primées E14

New Proximities

München/Taufkirchen (DE) - Mentionné

Représentante d’équipe: Federico Cheloni (IT) – architecte
Associés: Enrico Casagni (IT), Matteo Chelazzi (IT), Giulio Margheri (IT) – architectes

Voir le portrait complet en anglais ici
Voir la liste des portraits d'équipe ici

G. Margheri, E.Casagni, M. Chelazzi et F. Cheloni

Our project is a reflection on our way of living and on the needs of contemporary (European) cities. The diversification of services and the dependence on electronic devices have made the physical boundaries between work and living space increasingly blurred, pushing production activities into fluid spaces and places within cities. The project challenges mono-functional districts that, over the past years, turned entire areas of the city into dormitory neighbourhoods. “New proximities” aims to spark a process of functional diversification in which the coexistence of living and working spaces generates a series of qualities and convenience that will stimulate a greater social diversification.

Axonometric view of the project
Façades & buildings' perspectives
View of the common space: the patio