Portraits/Interviews Équipes primées E15


Rotterdam Groot Ijsselmonde (NL) - Lauréat

Représentante de l’équipe : Zuzana Jancovicova (SK) – paysagiste ; Associés: Davor Dušanić (SI) – paysagiste ; Katarína Labathova (SK), Ida Bjallerbæk Pedersen (DK) – architectes

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D. Dušanić, K. Labáthová, .Z Jančovičová & I. Bjallerbæk Pedersen

"We have explored the productivity topic from the environmental, social and economic standpoints and came to the conclusion that the latter-day productive garden city should be a naturally and socially inclusive suburbia. A productive garden city should enable slow and organically induced development of healthy community life while strengthening its landscape characteristics. We see the future productive city as a sum of activities that encourages active citizenship and shared responsibility."