E12 Winning Teams Portraits/Interviews

Wohnen am Ring

München (DE) – Winner

Team Representative: Joost Hartwig (DE) – architect; Associate: Matthias Hampe (DE), Johanna Henrich (DE), Michael Keller (DE), Ingo Lenz (DE), Nikola Mahal (DE), Isabell Passig (DE), Patrick Pick (DE)  – architects

See the complete portrait here
See the complete listing of portraits here

At the back: P. Pick, J. Hartwig, I. Lenz and M. Hampe. At the front: N.  Mahal, M. Keller, J. Henrich and I. Passig

"The basic task is to deal with the existing noise exposure by Chiemgaustrasse. This burden has grown rapidly in recent decades, but there are good chances that it also decreases again in the future. For example by tunnelling the street (as it has already happened in other sections of Chiemgaustrasse) or the increased use of electric cars or public transport. So we tried to find a temporary solution until this condition occurs. The city must remain adaptable and urban rhythm for us is also meant in time."