E16/17 Inter-sessions Forum
Organized from November 3 to 5, 2022 with Clermont Auvergne Métropole, the objective of the E16-17 Inter-Session Forum was to encourage exchanges and debates between Europan 16 actors (cities, juries, award-winning teams) and those of Europan 17 (site representatives) in a joint event.
More than 220 participants from a dozen different countries participated in the Forum at the Polydôme in Clermont-Ferrand. Several hundred others followed the Forum live or on-demand thanks to the video capture of most of the debates, which were retransmitted on the Forum's website.
The Forum took place each day around one or two main debates about the theme of E16 and E17: Living Cities. There were also discussions on themes such as visions around ecological transition (with the question of enhancing urban biodiversity), or about the second life of spaces among other themes. All these debates and conferences allowed for the exchange of ideas and fed interesting conversations.
> Find here the retrospective of the Forum