
Fabrizio GALLANTI (IT)
Francisca INSULZA (CL)

Europan 8 Kristiansand


Clairières wishes to articulate and develop a contemporary adaptation of a particular individual and collective desire to return to nature incarnated by the archetypical destination of the forest. Rather than living by the forest, the project intends to establish a new territory whereby dwellers would be living in the forest, avoiding a sedate and conciliatory use of vegetation as an ornamental attribute of housing, seeking the collision between wilderness and domesticity. All construction will be concentrated inside six towers, which will rise isolated above the trees of the forest, a small commercial facility and the hockey-rink. The area covered by each tower is defined by the different size of its corresponding sports court. The stacking of hybrid functions, sports and living, topped by a roof garden with a cantilevered volume available for communal uses, is the constitutive principle of the architecture of the project. Within the forest a compressed geography of scattered elements creates a horizontal landscape of leisure. A privileged relationship with nature (“inhabiting nature”) is fostered through the concentration of the built matter within a reduced number of architectural elements, imagined as sufficiently discrete in volume and appearance as not to interfere with the growing vegetation of the future forest where the project is installed. The slow creation of an uncontrolled and spontaneous vegetal fragment is the ultimate objective of the project: nature in its purest and undomesticated form.

Site informations


Synthetic site file EN

This project is connected to the following themes

Mobility - Urban Generator

Newly created clearings in the forest serve as generators for different programmes of public spaces and small amenities, fostering a privileged relationship with nature by concentrating the built structures in a series of small towers.

Housing - Community

Small towers rise above the treetops, providing intimate contact with nature, which becomes both decor and backdrop. The open plans of the shelf-like structures can be adapted to individual demands. Their rooftops serve as a communal gardens with an extra space for use by the residents.

Shared spaces - Intensification by superposition

The project proposes a forest that forms a huge public space, intensified by the presence of six mixed-use towers, which rise above the trees and the undomesticated natural scene.

Nature - Hybridity / Juxtaposition

The project intends to unify the existing heterogeneous built objects and the new ones into one forest punctuated by clearings.

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*Europan is an European network of architectural, urban planning and landscape ideas competitions for young designers who take care of inhabited milieus, and followed by implementation processes