Dream House





architect student

Europan 8 Coimbra


A fundamental condition reigns over the current town of Vila Franca: its residential character, on a micro-scale by the simple contrast with new urban developments. This gives rise to the pressing need for creating architecture that competes on an equal level with the future urban environment. This opens up the possibility of an additional element whose repetitiveness could create a larger whole: two scales in one.

Consequently are suggested two situations, low and high density, which when considered separately would lead to very different architectures, and only if we consider them as parts of the same problem: the successive compression of a place, will we be able to develop any architecture. The financing of the urban proposal involves the contractual relationship with the owners. This requires the possibility of building more on the other plots as well as the need for fragmentation to obtain a fair share-out. 




Site informations


Synthetic site file EN

This project is connected to the following themes

Shared spaces - Link - promenade

The process of restructuring the district is based around a central linear public space connecting footpaths and various amenities.


Nature - Proximity / Horizon

The project creates a residential district which connects a proximity nature, with the gardens of the raws of housing, and the territorial nature, with the surrounding forests and parks.


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*Europan is an European network of architectural, urban planning and landscape ideas competitions for young designers who take care of inhabited milieus, and followed by implementation processes