Dwell upon the slope

Rosa María Fraga Escudero (ES) 
Octavio Tarancón Burg (ES) 
architect engineer

Europan 10 Rijeka


Two strategies are employed to develop density. The first strategy entails a three-speed circulatory system : a low speed route [wheelchair ramp] alongside a zig-zag pedestrian track and community passage way ; a medium speed route [staircase] providing a shortcut from the zig-zag track via a cross-connection ; a high speed route [parking road] with an underground passage-way following the zig-zag pedestrian track. The second strategy entails a porous system for  creating spaces. The domestic solution is a recurrent system of internal (rooms) and external spaces (voids) with similar proportions. The domestic space leads into the void spaces which communicate with the outside (porosity). The domestic areas are grouped into different communities that generate identity and foster communication and social life.

Site informations


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This project is connected to the following themes

Housing - Typology

The architectural scale work on the typologies and its “zigzag” extension to the urban scale, develop a sustainable strategy for dwelling on the slope.

Nature - Topography / ground

The blocks are grouped into a cluster that matches the angle of the slope. Distributed in the form of laces, the design seeks to optimise movement and parking in relation to the slope.

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*Europan is an European network of architectural, urban planning and landscape ideas competitions for young designers who take care of inhabited milieus, and followed by implementation processes