Green squatters

Claudia STOLTE (DE)
urban planner

Europan 8 Erfurt


To face the problem of decreasing inhabitation and high vacancy as well as the lack of public green areas for recreational uses, the projects focus on free spaces and existing unused buildings. The local population is invited to squat and convert these into an attractive living space that meets their needs. The project concentrates on the development of the area along the “Schmale Gera” and proposes a new multipurpose park area. It will inspire new activities such as camping, open air concerts, sports competitions, barbecues, horse riding etc. The local population will play an active part in the redevelopment of their neighbourhood and shape its identity.

Site informations


Synthetic site file EN

This project is connected to the following themes

Housing - Ways of life

Newly created units of row houses restructure the perforated existing urban fabric, attracting a new population as they provide an alternative to the predominantly 1900s building types, which will be renovated and transformed.

Shared spaces - Programmatic patchwork

With the aim of preventing population exodus by creating a more attractive area, the project proposes an intense programmatic strategy for public spaces, with activities such as barbecues, horse riding and open air concerts.

Nature - Hybridity / Juxtaposition

The project proposes to insert built and green programmatic straps. These green strips can take different shapes, from private gardens, to agriculture or public lawns organized around alleys that go through the blocks, reconstructed in a hybrid way between the built and nature.

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*Europan is an European network of architectural, urban planning and landscape ideas competitions for young designers who take care of inhabited milieus, and followed by implementation processes