Europan 13 Results
- Edited by Europan
- pages
- May 2016
- Format 21X29,7cm
- Public price: €25.00 (Postage not included)
- Back to list

For the thirteenth edition of the competition EUROPAN publishes the catalogue of the winning projects on 49 European sites from the 15 participating countries.
The catalogue constitutes a unique panorama in Europe of young European talented designers working between the urban and architectural scales. When the change of paradigm induced by sustainable development becomes a reality, but also at a time when the urban and building economy is in crisis, this catalogue reflects a clear evolution of ideas and design modes. This is what makes it interesting.
One part of the catalogue will present interpretations around the most symbolic E13 winning projects; the interpretations are based on 5 main themes of the Adaptable City and present the vision of different European experts.
The 154 E13 winning projects (44 winners, 49 runners-up and 61 special mentions) are presented in the other part of the catalogue and classified by site families (How To Integrate Vacant Sites In Urban Development?, How To Use New Inputs To Change Urban Space?, How To Create Positive Dynamics From A Difficult Situation? and How To Transform Physical Obstacles Into New Connections?). Each project is developed from the point of view of adaptability and followed by the teams’ and juries’ points of view.
The competition sites are presented on one page, on which the site representatives answer three questions around the issue of the adaptable city and their visions on the theme of adaptability, giving a better understanding of the local issues.