n°16 - Den Bosch (NL) - E3

  • Edited by Europan & Untimely Books
  • 48 pages
  • January 2002
  • Format 15,5x17cm
  • Public price: €6.00 (Postage not included)
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n°16 - Den Bosch (NL) - E3


Monograph No.16
59 housing units for starters and the handicapped, Den Bosch (NL)
Architects: VMX Architects
Client: BrabantWonen

This volume presents a project on housing models intended for disabled persons and young tenants. The Dutch team VMX Architects, winners of the Europan 3 competition for a site in Den Bosch (Netherlands), proposed an abstract design for these new and original housing units. They are distributed across a grid pattern, in staggered rows and on different levels.

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*Europan is an European network of architectural, urban planning and landscape ideas competitions for young designers who take care of inhabited milieus, and followed by implementation processes