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Category Urban - architectural
Location Val Maubuée, Commune de Noisiel (77186) et de Lognes (77185)
Population Marne-la-Vallée 291,132 inhab. - CA Val Maubuée 86,422 inhab. – Noisiel 15,786 inhab. - Lognes 14,410 inhab
Strategic site 120 ha - Project site 15 ha
Site proposed by Etablissement Public d’Aménagement Marne-la-Vallée
Owner(s) of the site State; EPA Marne; General Council; Municipalities; Private
Commision after competition Management of the architectural and/or urban project and studies
Team representative architect - urban planner - landscaper
More Information
How can the site contribute to the adaptable city?
Route de la Brie, which runs from the A4 motorway into the central part of the new town of Marne-la-Vallée, raises the question of urban divides and the future of residual spaces around the centres and neighbourhoods it crosses. The neighbourhoods, organised around parks, artificial lakes or green strips, which are the trademark of the new town, are separated by roads and successive roundabouts. They sometimes seem to be juxtaposed. The brief is to think about boundaries, residual interstitial spaces with uncertain purposes, the recycling and readaptation of these spaces, which suffer from a lack of legibility and appropriation. These spaces have significant potential, which can be exploited to devise new places of life and activity, to offer possibilities for densification or urban intensification.
City strategy
The Val Maubuée territory, 40 years after the creation of Marne-la-Vallée, is facing societal challenges of a new kind and is actively pursuing the urban changes and transformations needed to enhance its metropolitan attractiveness: revisiting the free public and private spaces that structure the neighbourhoods and blocks, and adapting them to modern uses and human practices; acting appropriately and inventively to foster new uses and the socio-economic balances of the town; making the links between neighbourhoods and the relations between housing and jobs more legible, facilitating residential movement, enhancing the spaces within housing estates. It has become essential to identify methods of intervention, by developing participatory action between all the stakeholders and residents concerned.
Site definition
The project site, set within inhabited neighbourhoods in Val Maubuée, is served by the Lognes and Noisiel RER stations, buses and roads of very different kinds: a sunken motorway-type expressway, the D499 (Route de la Brie), which links the A4 to the D199 (Route de la Marne), itself destined to become an urban boulevard. The districts are laid out on either side of the D499. Numerous roundabouts provide connections between neighbourhoods. Narrower streets and alleyways allow pedestrians to move between different places and to access the urban blocks. However, cars are everywhere, the dominant mode of transport. Possessing an exceptional heritage of vegetation and landscape, the site offers numerous private or public spaces, some very large managed by the local authority, some smaller, within urban blocks or set apart.
Future of the site in relation to the site family and Adaptability
The site was presented at the European Intersession Forum in a thematic family headed: “how to convert physical obstacles into new connections?” This question relates to the layout and topography of the study site. However, globally the site fits in with the three themes of Europan 13 and the expected responses apply on all three levels: “object versus project” (from the planning of big development operations to the implementation of negotiated projects), “welfare state versus self-organisation” (from dependence on the State to the construction of new local partnerships), “segregation versus sharing” (from the separation of functions to a new fluidity of uses). The theme of the adaptable city takes on a particular significance in the context of a New Town, characterised by experimentation with new practices, in order to accommodate an urban heritage that is exceptional in urban and sociological, landscape and architectural, economic and cultural respects.

Questions on the site
Can we get a map or GIS file where with the inventoried public properties (communal, collectivities, State…) and assimilated (social landlords, planners…)?
We do not have land ownership maps for this site.
About the Malvoisine New Developement. It looks quite clear that we need to think both a new green turf and a mixed use development.
The soccer field shall be moved to accomodate new uses and activities.
It is not clear if the green turf may be connected or not to the buildings, so we want to know more about the turf for sport leisure: do we need to take it in the same football area footprint , with same areaoccupied, or may we relocate the new building development on that, and to move the turf area?
The soccer field shall be moved elsewhere, AND NOT INSIDE THE STUDY SITE.
Which is the turf area expected to be ?
What do you mean by mixed use ? are commercial and housing both allowed to be? May we add special functions?
Which is the maximum new building height? Which is minimum footprint? Is there some limit as respect stripes by the RD499 and the promenade de la chocolaterie?
Nothing is imposed. Europan is a competition for ideas.
Which is the mimimum distance to be held by the RD499 route for new buildings?
Nothing is imposed. Europan is a competition for ideas.
Which is the footprint/height maximum index in Cube meters?
Nothing is imposed. Europan is a competition for ideas.
Is it allowed to do some excavation to put the parking lot in?
Is there some limit in the use of material for outdoor furniture materials? Is there some limit or suggestion about the public paving intervention?
There is a little building in the stadium area, very close to the RD499, and the function is not cleared up. Is some building we can demolish and relocate ?
Nothing is imposed or prohibited. Europan is a compétition for ideas.
May we change the public furnitures, such as benches ,trashbins, boundary fences, and lighting poles, in the cluster neighborhoods such as Rue de L’Agrippine, Rue de L’iphigenie and so on?
May we think about little stationeries to enjoy the landscape around the artificial lakes? May we think about floating stationeries on the artificial lakes?
Nothing is imposed or prohibited. Europan is a compétition for ideas.
May we think about some remediation plan about the artificial lakes?
Nothing is imposed or prohibited. Europan is a compétition for ideas.
May we demolish and rebuild some building in the Pijiamas neighborhood?
If justified.
There is a mandatory level to put the green turf on? We mean, it is allowed to think about it to be on a different height then the basement floor?
Nothing is imposed or prohibited. Europan is a compétition for ideas.
Do they recycle their rubbish?( Door-to-door? Are there recycling areas? )
May you give us a map (DWG, PDF…) showing public and private ownership?
We don’t have this plans at this stage of the competion.
May we have a plan of the drinkable water network?
We don’t have this plans at this stage of the competion.
Could you give us the topographic map in a DWG file? (Contour lines or points)
Contour lines are in the MARNE-FR-C-M01 file, we don’t have a more precise topographic map.
In the land plan regulation zoning, the Malvoisine stadium and surrounding are in N1 and N2 sectors. In case of accommodations build in this area, is a modification of the regulation to be anticipated, especially regards to building highs and parking regulation?
Yes, PLU can be harmonised with project.
The cross sections (on the project site and maps) have a very low resolution and are not readable. May we have them in a better resolution, DWG file would be the best.
No, we don’t have the source files.
May we change the public furniture, such as the lighting services, that we can see everywhere in the area? May we change the public furnitures, such as benches , boundary fences, and lighting poles, in the promenade?
Nothing is imposed or prohibited. Europan is a compétition for ideas.
This site is connected to the following theme
How to transform physical obstacles into new connections? We understand “bridges” as linear connections between different contexts spanning over a barrier, which may be a river, a railway track or other physical obstacles. But we sometimes can transform the obstacle so that it allows movement in different senses and directions, becoming a connecting element rather than separating barrier. The obstacle may be inhabited, cut or criss-crossed; it can become an opportunity to increase density, change the functions on either side or bring a new perspective to a familiar context.
Specific documents
E13 FR - Lancement : Marne-La-Vallée, Moulins & Saint-Brieuc
E13 Marne-La-Vallée/Val Maubuée : Diagnostique en marchant, Chap. 1 : De la gare de Noisiel au quartier de la Ferme Du Buisson
E13 Marne-La-Vallée/Val Maubuée : Diagnostique en marchant, Chap. 2 : Le Cours du Buisson : Chocolaterie, Route de la Brie / RD 499
E13 Marne-La-Vallée/Val Maubuée : Diagnostique en marchant, Chap. 3 : Quartier de la Maillère
E13 Marne-La-Vallée/Val Maubuée : Diagnostique en marchant, Chap. 4 : Lognes - Place Georges Cros, Conservatoire de la Malvoisine
E13 Marne-La-Vallée/Val Maubuée : Diagnostique en marchant, Chap. 5 : Boulevard du Mandinet, retour par la Promenade de la Chocolaterie
Questions on the site
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Fr. 2 June 2023
Deadline for submitting questions
Fr. 16 June 2023
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