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Category Urban - architectural
Location inner city
Population c. 15,000 inhab.
Strategic site 5.14 ha - Project site 2.88 ha
Site proposed by Selb Town Council
Owner(s) of the site mostly private ownership, several plots owned by Selb Town Council
Commision after competition urban master plan
Team representative professional of urban design - architecture
More Information
How can the site contribute to the adaptable city?
Due to the structural crisis in the local economy – still today dominated by the porcelain industry – and regional demographic development, the town of Selb is undergoing a process of continual shrinkage. It has lost a quarter of its population since the late 1970s. In particular the town centre is experiencing profound changes. Long-established businesses are unable to find a successor and are obliged to close down. In the absence of attractive residential environments, the population is moving to the urban periphery. The townscape is defined by commercial and industrial wasteland, and neglected open spaces. The traffic routing is in part not logical and a source of considerable disturbance in the built-up area. An adjustment to the changed parameters is essential.
City strategy
The basis for change is the integrated urban development concept for the town of Selb. Its central goal is a sustained development sensitive to demographic and economic constraints. The primary task here will be to strengthen the town centre, consolidating its diverse uses and vibrancy with variety of activities. The urban mix of living, working, services and culture must be made more attractive. All available instruments must be employed in an effort to revitalise vacant property. As set forth in the urban development concept, Selb Town Council is striving to achieve a networking of all disciplines in urban society. For this reason social, cultural and economic practices are to play a key role in the implementation of the concept.
Site definition
Besides the town centre itself (project area), the strategic site includes the adjoining northern fringe district extending to Geschwister-Scholl-Strasse. In the east, the study area is bounded by the axis Sedanstrasse/Obere Bergstrasse. The entire area consists of a conglomerate of different building forms from various eras and exhibits a number of urban planning deficits. Uses such as residential, commercial and services have become dysfunctional. Gaps in the building frontage often reveal unattractive backyards and outhouses. The project area between Schiller- and Ludwigstrasse likewise exhibits a range of urban malfunctions. In particular, there is a high vacancy rate in the business and residential buildings.
Future of the site in relation to the site family and to Adaptability
New strategies that pursue the networking of all disciplines in the urban society are called for to adjust the town centre to the economic and demographic situation. To ensure the success of this adjustment it will be important to see how the town centre develops and which viable new uses can be found, in particular for the vacant ground floor zones. A prime example of vacancies in the town centre is the former Storg department store on Ludwigstrasse. The dominant complex has been unoccupied for a number of years. The new owner has hitherto been unsuccessful in his attempts to find new uses for the building. Based on the existing infrastructure, the central zone is to be sustainably improved as an attractive place for all generations to live. Many owners do not have the financial means to maintain their buildings in a proper manner. The existing, partly vacant buildings are to be included and new dwellings constructed on existing wasteland. Depending on the condition, replacement buildings are also conceivable. Innovative, low-cost solutions are called for here. The dwellings in the town centre must conform to present-day living standards in future and be wheelchair-accessible. Neighbourhood improvements are of utmost importance in this context.
Ecological aspects must also be taken into account in all efforts. Attention must be paid to the design of appealing open spaces and networking with adjoining areas.

Questions on the site
Will you provide participants with some more details regarding buildings? (heights-number of floors, entrances,ground floor conditions). 3D model would be extremely useful.
A contour map (SELB-DE-SS-M3.dwg/pdf) is now available in the folder "New_docs_after_launch".
You will also find there additional information about exemplary selected buildings for the project site.
More detailed map in dwg containig Information regarding ground conditions, entrances, surfaces, infrastructure etc. would be useful.
A contour map (SELB-DE-SS-M3.dwg/pdf) is now available in the folder "New_docs_after_launch".
You will also find there additional information about exemplary selected buildings for the project site.
Can statistics be provided on vacancies in Selb? Liegen Leerstandszahlen zum Gesamtraum Selb vor?
A survey on vacancies in the whole city is not on hand. For the focus areas in the project site, the vacancies (uses) were registered and provided.
Großräumige Leerstandserhebungen liegen nicht vor. Für die vertiefend zu untersuchenden Bereiche wurde der Leerstand (Nutzungen) bereits erfasst und liegt als ergänzendes Planmaterial vor.
Is a register on the owners (public, private) of each parcel of land on hand? Steht eine parzellengenaue Auflistung der Eigentümer zur Verfügung (öffentlich – privat)?
A map showing the ownership (public, private) is available (Selb-DE-SS-M4.pdf). Further information on (private) owners is not on hand due to data privacy.
Eine Karte mit Unterscheidung der Eigentumsverhältnisse nach Privat steht zur Verfügung (Selb-DE-SS-M4.pdf). Eine Auflistung der Einzeleigentümer kann aus Datenschutzgründen nicht erfolgen.
Is a structural modification of the listed buildings admissible? Ist eine bauliche Veränderung von denkmalgeschützten Gebäuden möglich?
Structural modifications or additional constructions as to the listed buildings are in principle permitted, all of those measures must be carried out in compliance with the monument protection service.
Bauliche Änderungen oder Ergänzungsbauten an denkmalgeschützten Gebäuden sind grundsätzlich möglich, müssen jedoch im konkreten Einzelfall mit der Denkmalschutz-behörde abgestimmt werden.
Is a new development of a town hall or headquarters conceivable in the competition area? Ist ein Rathaus-/Verwaltungsneubau im Wettbewerbsgebiet denkbar?
To which extend will the prize-winning project of the Europan 11 competition be implemented? Are there detailed informations referring to this? Inwiefern wird der Preisträgerentwurf des Europan 11 Wettbewerbs realisiert? Liegen diesbezüglich nähere Informationen vor?
The results of the competition where refined and substantiated by the winning teams during a workshop in 2014. Currently miscellaneous options of implementation and financing are questioned.
Die Wettbewerbsergebnisse wurden in einem Workshop 2014 mit den Siegerteams weiterentwickelt und konkretisiert. Derzeit werden verschiedene Möglichkeiten zur Umsetzbarkeit und deren Finanzierung geprüft.
Are there any usable grasslands on Goldberg? Existieren am Goldberg nutzbare Weideflächen?
How is the underground parking situation within the competition area? How many parking spaces are available? Ist die Funktionsfähigkeit der Tiefgaragen im Wettbewerbsgebiet gegeben? Wie groß ist die jeweilige Stellplatzanzahl?
In the competition area exist two public underground parking lots in Entengasse (31 cars) and in Burgstrasse/Rathaus (40 cars) free of charge for everyone.
Im Betrachtungsgebiet stehen zwei öffentliche Tiefgaragen im Bereich Entengasse (31 Stellplätze) und im Bereich Burgstrasse/Rathaus (40 Stellplätze) für jedermann kostenfrei zur Verfügung.
Can plans (floor plans, sections) of the "Storg" department store be provided? Stehen Planzeichnungen (Grundrisse, Schnitte) für das Kaufhaus Storg zur Verfügung?
A detailled planning for the revitalisation of the derelict department store is not a subject of the competition. The number of storeys is visible on the provided photos.
Eine Objektplanung zur Revitalisierung der Kaufhausbrache "Storg" ist nicht Gegenstand des Wettbewerbes. Die Geschossigkeit ist aus dem bereits vorliegenden Bildmaterial ersichtlich.
Are there detailed informations available on the traffic volume in the city? Können detaillierte Informationen zum Verkehrsaufkommen bereit gestellt werden?
An updated traffic census is not on hand.
Aktuelle Verkehrszählungen liegen der Stadt Selb nicht vor.
Why is the traffic led through the inner city (in particular through Hohenberger Strasse), while the Talstrasse could bear a higher traffic volume? Warum wird der Verkehr durch die Innenstadt geleitet (insb. die Situation in der Hohenberger Straße) obwohl die Talstraße für ein höheres Verkehrsaufkommen ausgebaut ist?
The present traffic routing results from a by now obsolete planning or rather a not completely finished development from the 1970s. Elaborated proposals for a modification or rearrangement of the traffic routing by the participants of Europan 13 are welcome.
Die jetzige Verkehrsführung resultiert aus einer mittlerweile überholten Planung bzw. einer nicht vollständig umgesetzten Ausbauvariante aus den 1970er Jahren. Ausgearbeitete Vorschläge für eine Änderung bzw. Neuordnung der Verkehrsführung sind im Wettbewerb E13 ausdrücklich erwünscht.
Is an effective traffic survey or a traffic concept available for the City of Selb? Gibt es eine verkehrliche Untersuchung bzw. ein Verkehrskonzept zum Stadtraum Selb?
An update of the obsolete major traffic plan is intended for 2016. Actual studies are not on hand.
Eine Fortschreibung des überholten Generalverkehrsplanes der Stadt Selb ist für 2016 geplant. Aktuelle Untersuchungen liegen nicht vor.
This site is connected to the following theme
How to create positive dynamics from a difficult situation? Many sites are faced with difficult urban situations. The origins of these difficulties are to be found in problems caused by urban, economic and environmental factors, as well as differing values and a lack of cultural understanding. Despite these difficulties, the sites nevertheless constitiute a favourable ground for the creation of new dynamics which rely on scenarios of sharing and the adaptation of traditional architectural and urban tools.
Questions on the site
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Fr. 2 June 2023
Deadline for submitting questions
Fr. 16 June 2023
Deadline for answers
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