Portraits/Interviews Équipes primées E14

A Tale of Two Lakes

Oulu (FI) - Mentionné

Représentant d’équipe : Francisco José Blázquez García (ES) – architecte Associé: José María Calvo Martínez-Aldama  (ES) – architecte

Voir le portrait complet en anglais ici
Voir la liste des portraits d'équipe ici

F.J. Blázquez García & J.M. C. Martínez-Adalma

"The project main goal is to smoothly change the urban landscape of the place we were given by the organization, in the outskirts of Oulu. To us, such a valuable and rich natural environment should never be wasted. That is the reason why our proposal is so morphologically radical but at the same time, tries to integrate with the natural species already existing there. It also promotes bicycle use and public transportation in order to achieve good accessibility to every level of the buildings. At the same time, all those paths through the buildings allow us to encourage a net of public spa-ces, commerce and infrastructures which are mixed withe the different kind of dwellings. Of course this productive net is displayed where it is considered to be needed the most, while the building typology allows us to reach a high level of density (a key concept for the success of the project) while respecting Finnish nature."


Ground perspective of the project
Building radiographies