Portraits/Interviews Équipes primées E14

Terres vives, les nouveaux communaux

Grignys & Ris-Orangis (FR) - Mentionné

Représentant d’équipe : Maia Tüür (EE) – architect et urbaniste Associé: Yoann Dupouy (FR) – architecte et urbaniste

Voir le portrait complet en anglais ici
Voir la liste des portraits d'équipe ici

M. Tüür et Y. Dupouy

We consider the question of "productive city" in a holistic sense. We suggest that the "productive city" might be generated by multiplying connections and exchanges between the existing fragments and areas to develop. Therefore our approach did not fit into the limits of the activity zone "Les Terres Saint-Lazare", given as a site of Europan. The question concerned a general vision of mutation to come for a wide strategic territory with high environmental value. 

Perspective of the project
Axonometric view
The Living grounds: multiple experimental initiatives