Portraits/Interviews Équipes primées E14


Trelleborg (SE) - Lauréat

Représentant d’équipe:  Leonard Ma (CA) – architecte Collaboratrice: Carmen Lee (CA) – architecte

Voir le portrait complet en anglais ici
Voir la liste des portraits d'équipe ici

L. Ma et C. Lee   

"We were highly critical of this session topic ‘Productive Cities’ right from the very beginning. Although there is no question on the importance of productive activities in the city, it is too easy to assume that 'solving a problem’ is one where we need to further integrate production in the city through new zoning or building. the productive city is a theme that can be too easily accepted naively, and we felt a duty to critically assess it. We can not simply return to ‘making things’ with access to 3D printing, or by making artisanal iPhone cases. 

The site in Trellebrog, Sjöstaden was particularly relevant for us as it faces an unprecedented transition in its history, transforming the site from a port into a coastal city. Part of this processes involves opening up an immense amount of real estate value on a massive publicly owned site that cannot be developed by the municipality alone. To unlock the value of the site means privatization and making the area attractive to investment, which is not easy to come by on an empty site in a mid-sized city near Malmö and Copenhagen."


Perspective of the project in Sjöstaden
Producing work