E17 Portraits - Matière Première

Nantes (FR) - Lauréat

Matière Première

Associés: Alan Benoit (FR), Tom Barbier (FR), Paul Riffault (FR), Thomas Catti (FR), Jean-Benoît Boccaren (FR) – architectes urbanistes

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"The theme of Europan 17 questions our ability to transform this monofunctional and artificial hospital site into a fragment of a diversified city through a regenerative approach of living environments, considering the challenges posed by the climate emergency. This methodology translates into an approach focused on the requalification and enhancement of an 'existing' entity, uniting both the urban and geographical context, the inherited built heritage, and the ground. By re-establishing a conducive environment for life in an endogenous manner, the site becomes the raw material for a desirable and sustainable future."