Fleurance (FR) - Winner
Associates: Marine Fayollas (FR), Rose Schwab (FR), Javier Ahumada (FR), Arthur Renaudineau (FR), Philippe Cegielny (FR) – architects,
Contributors: Christophe Bonjour (FR) – landscape architect
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"Fleurance, land of stars, inspired us a new kind of observation tool: the Fleuranscope. Orienting the telescope towards the land allows us to perceive and reveal what is as well as what was, the near as well as the far, the tangible as well as the intangible, the inert as well as the moving. Through its lenses, we consider all the components of the territory on an equal footing, which we will call stars (natural, built and inhabited, social).
Like celestial bodies of varying natures, they are interdependent and their connections form the balance of new ecosystems, the constellations. To generate these connections, our project slips between existing stars to revive those that seem extinct, weaving links between two stars that were previously far apart, and creating new ones only if they are strictly necessary for the overall balance."