E17 Sites - Makarska (HR)
Makarska (HR)
See the map of the different sites here
Location Makarska, Croatia
Scale L/S
Site Family Let the birds sing! / Reimagining public space as a biodiverse landscape
Commission after competition After competition workshops to ensure that the awared entry suits the site’s needs, whit the aim to produced an urban development plan.
Inhabited milieu's challenges
Within the project site, three separate parts are clearly defined with project tasks that define the space for the development of cultural tourism: redesign of the city market, construction of a Mediterranean cuisine center, and designing a new space that will serve as a platform for development of cultural programs. However, these spaces, although housing different programmes, can also be viewed as a whole because their uses are complementary, with similar target users, and all three sites will provide a strong influence on the development of Makarska’s cultural and gastronomic offer.