Results by themes


Designing for Biodiversity

On a set of contexts with a consolidated space structure, but with a social intensification, how to increase biodiversity by inserting natural elements and living public spaces?

Designing with Natural Cycles

When regeneration requires the rediscovering of natural connections, how to deal with water issues, with ecologic corridors between various habitats? How to integrate the seasonal rhythms and the risks?

Designing with Obsolescence

With a more circular approach of existing spaces, “built stocks”, and a new interpretation of heritage re-use, how, at the territorial scale, to create interfaces between city fragments and territory?

Designing with the Existing

Intensifying uses and landscapes; Upadating residential neighborhoods; Reinforcing social dynamic: how to create new relations between built and unbuilt environment?

Designing Urban Strategies

Where cities need new habitats, how to avoid tabula rasa and fixed masterplans to build new programs? How to invent new temporal strategies to evolve these areas over time and create scenarios for pre-operational phases?

Designing with Territorial Visions

In rich contexts, used to create new districts, how to connect them with the main elements of the territory, and how to transform it the area with a clear vision of what is wanted at large scale?

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*Europan is an European network of architectural, urban planning and landscape ideas competitions for young designers who take care of inhabited milieus, and followed by implementation processes