E15 Sites - Rochefort Océan (FR)

The active shore

Site Location City of Romainville, Ormes and Chemin Vert neighbourhoods;
Project Scales XL/L - territory / urban + architecture
Site Family CHANGING METABOLISM -From linear to circular economy

Post-competition phase Landscape analysis of the study site; urban analyses and development programmes for the project sites.

See the site page here
See here the map of the different sites

How can the site contribute to a productive city?

The city of Rochefort-sur-Mer, founded in 1666 by Charles Colbert du Terron in marshlands, gave the Kingdom of France a port for the construction of its military fleet. This activity remained the driving economic force in the territory until the Arsenal was closed in 1927. However, an economy related to navigation and military needs has continued with production activities related to maritime commerce and aeronautics. In addition, an outstanding architectural and urban planning uniformity as well as remarkable buildings (i.e. Corderie Royale) within proximity of exceptional natural sites has allowed the city to develop a significant tourist trade. The four project sites are oriented towards the river and were in activity when the Arsenal was still functioning. Whether currently in full activity or partial, the goal is to allow their transformation within the framework of an exceptional geographic, environmental and architectural heritage while taking into consideration the risks from flooding of the meandering Charente River.