Competition team
Isabelle Marchal (FR)
Octavio Pineiro Aramburu (ARG)
Loïc Pons (FR)
Gautier Rey (FR)
Sacha Villemin (FR)


Europan 16 Auneuil (FR)


Team point of view

CONTINUUM questions the capacity of transformation of a diffuse territory and the conditions of production and habitat in rural areas.
CONTINUUM claims the establishment of a continuous narrative through the understanding of pre-existing built and landscape structures.
CONTINUUM considers architecture as an elementary language that speaks to the paradigms of its time and whose principles of contemporary comfort, flexibility and sustainability establish essential conditions for Living.
CONTINUUM seeks to establish a structuring framework that generates synergies, relationships and new potentialities.

Jury Point of View
Well adapted to the territory, the project seems complete in several programmatic aspects and meets the requirements of the Municipality with regard to housing. It makes detailed proposals at the architectural scale, for refurbishment and construction, and provides close and precise definition of the public spaces. It successfully reintroduces the industrial heritage into the day-to-day life of the town and stands out in this session of Europan as a proposal for the creation of living neighbourhoods. In addition to the formal and graphic qualities of the project, the jury emphasised its detailed work on the use and management of land.

Site informations

Auneuil (FR)

Synthetic site file EN | FR

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*Europan is an European network of architectural, urban planning and landscape ideas competitions for young designers who take care of inhabited milieus, and followed by implementation processes