Portraits/Interviews Équipes primées E14


TornioHaparenda (FI/SE) - Mention Spéciale

Représentant d’équipe: Josip Jerković  (HR) – architecte
Associée: Marta Lozo (HR) - architecte
Collaborateur: Herbert Elsener (CH) - aménageur du traffic urbain

Voir le portrait complet en anglais ici
Voir la liste des portraits d'équipe ici

J. Jerković, M. Lozo et H. Elsener

A place of productive activities and innovation demands a possibility of human interaction. Hence securing an adequate mix of uses is needed to induce different types of interaction at different daytimes. In order to further enable this interaction the scale and the proportions of architecture and public spaces have to be designed according to the scope of human perception.

Plan: productive street as a backbone of the
public space
Aerial view: Seamless TornioHaparenda

Perspective of typical residential street