Connection Hub

Halmstad (SE) - Winner


Team Representative: Théau Langlois (FR) – architect 
Associates: Maja Dylin (SE), Humda Malik (GB) – architects

Théau Langlois
Västerlånggatan 75, 111 29 Stockholm (SE) 
+46 8221890 –

See the complete listing of portraits here
See the site here

Maja Dylin, Humda Malik, Théau Langlois

VIDEO (by the team)


1. How did you form the team for the competition?
We founded the group based our different backgrounds, strengths and personalities to build a comprehensive team to develop an innovative strategy for Halmstad. 

2. How do you define the main issue of your project, and how did you answer on this session main topic: the place of productive activities within the city?
For us, the core question was how to overcome barriers, both physical and social that hinder the great potentials of the city.The proposals primary development strategy is to increase mobility and create places for people to meet. Using the site’s proximity to the city, the cultural trail and Halmstad university gives the site great potential to become a hub for movement, activity and life. Densification of the area with housing and programme specific structures and designed public spaces will increase activity and attractiveness to the district. The strategy aims to create physical and social connections that stitch both sides of the city. By bridging barriers and giving easy access to all parts of the city, the proposal looks to provide a sustainable development plan that will encourage and facilitate further growth of the city with high levels of social integration. 


3. How did this issue and the questions raised by the site mutation meet?
The question brought by Europan 15 has enlarged the perspective from the first travel centre to the whole district, and by doing so, the current problem of segregated areas and individual pockets of developments is confronted. By looking at the entire neighbourhood and how it functions within as well as how it responds to neighbouring areas has led us towards a comprehensive strategy that builds on Halmstad’s already strong foundation of education, industry, tourism and culture.


4. Have you treated this issue previously? What were the reference projects that inspired yours?
As individuals we have worked on different projects with similar themes, both as students and employees at architecture firms in several countries. For references we looked at a similar project made in Sweden, by Kanozi Arkitekter; a railway station district urban development in Malmö. We also looked at a few international references such as the Oslo Opera House in Oslo, Norway, by Snøhetta and The Bicycle Snake in Copenhagen, Denmark, by Dissing+Weitling Architecture.

5. Urban-architectural projects like the ones in Europan can only be implemented together with the actors through a negotiated process and in time. How did you consider this issue in your project?
We worked methodically and mapped out existing qualities of the site and recent and future planned developments in the city. By doing so, we have come up with a 5 phase development plan that works with smaller incremental developments, that is sustainable and facilitates the many actors involved. With a proposal of this scale, this process cannot be forged at the sketch stage but needs to evolve with time. Several independent parts of the project work together, though are not dependant on each other in their absence.

6. Is it the first time you have been awarded a prize at Europan? How could this help you in your professional career?
It is the first time the team has competed in the Europan competition. Beyond the award itself, we look forward to working with Halmstad municipality and the local citizens to discuss the project and their ideas to develop a common step-by-step urban plan.



Functions: All architects 
Average age of the associates: 30 years old

Has your team, together or separately, already conceived or implemented some projects and/or won any competition? If yes, which ones?
Europan is the first international competition we worked together on as a team, but individually, associates of our team have also participated in competitions and projects in countries such as Sweden, France, the UK, Denmark, China, India and Tanzania. The main project we are working on currently is an office tower over a new metro station in Sickla district, Stockholm.

Stockholm Sickla Stationhus 2018
©Kanozi Arkitekter, Atrium Ljungberg
Sollentuna Urban development (competition 2019) ©Kanozi Arkitekter, Skandia Fastigheter
Monument for a plastic-free world (competition 2019) ©Kanozi Arkitekter