El Prat de LLobregat (ES)

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Scales XL/L

Team representative Architect/urban planner
Location El Prat de Llobregat, Eixample Nord
Population 65,030 inhabitants

Reflection site 500 ha - Project site 100 ha

Site proposed by Incasòl
Actors involved El Prat de Llobregat City Council, Incasòl
Owner(s) of the site 20% Incasòl | 38% one private owner | 42% other privates

Commission after competition Housing building in the same municipality to implement the winning proposals.

More Information

Inhabited milieu's challenges

El Prat del Llobregat is a nodal municipality, located 10 km west of Barcelona, at the centre of the development of communication and transport infrastructures (port, airport, road and rail infrastructures), constituting a focal point for new urban development opportunities in the metropolitan area. The urban centre of El Prat is located in the heart of the Llobregat delta. It has the possibility and the need to articulate the territory with such singular and determining elements as the Baix Llobregat metropolitan agrarian park, the river Llobregat fluvial park, the Mediterranean coastline, and the natural reserve and deltaic landscape areas.
El Prat concentrates a triple condition in relation to its surroundings: a link in a metropolitan context of communication and access to large infrastructures; an enclave within a natural envi- ronment to be protected; and an urban nucleus with local characteristics on a small, friendly and peaceful scale that it is wished to conserve.
The area to be studied is a rectangle of approximately 100 Ha between three road infrastruc- ture axes: the Ronda de Dalt (B-20) to the north, the C-31 to the south and the B-22 highway linking the Ronda de Dalt with the C-31 to the west, and finally the Llobregat river to the east. It is a completely flat and unoccupied site, in contact with the metropolitan agrarian park to the north, and with the urban centre of El Prat to the south, with a station of line 9 of the metro built (El Prat Estació) but not in operation and with only one pre-existant construction, a large commercial area in activity of approximately 10 Ha, 60% of which is a parking area.
In 2008, this area was subject to an international competition of ideas for its urban development. Based on the results of the competition, in 2010, a document was written that included the guidelines and strategies for the planning of the area of the directional centre of El Prat de Llobregat and its surroundings.

Questions to competitors

Maintaining the parameters approved in the document of guidelines and strategies for the development of the Directional Centre of 2010, it is necessary to deepen the design of the neighbourhood so that it is capable of incorporating the objectives set by the European Union for 2050, the Urban Agenda, and its adaptation in Catalonia for the green transition, with the aim of converting it into a model growth area by 2050, where the energy balance is positive.
The ideal combination between public space and areas free of buildings, and the space occupied by pri- vate buildings is inevitably necessary; they are elements that must collaborate and contribute to achieving a planning fitting the existing environment. The study must include measures for the sector to be able to produce the energy it consumes with renewable energy resources; proposals for optimising effi- ciency and sustainability; energy savings with alternatives for reducing emissions or increasing collection; define aspects of the urban, the buildings, mobility, green areas, street furniture, etc.; be optimally connected to the green infrastructure of the agrarian park, to the blue or hydrological infrastructure of the Llobregat river and its indispensable relationship with water; offer efficient mobility; and foresee measures for adapting to climate change: drought, floods, heat waves, extreme weather phenomena.

Questions on the site

Good morning. From the description on the website, I do not quite understand the magnitude of El Prat del Llobregat job. Are we talking about the development of a partial plan, the 6,000-8,000 homes or a park? Thank you in advance.

Buenos días, por la descripción de la web no termino de entender la magnitud del encargo del Prat del Llobregat. ¿Estamos hablando del desarrollo de un plan parcial, de las 6000-8000 viviendas o de un parque? Gracias de antemano

On 16 January 2009, the result of the ideas contest held to resolve the organisation of the area was given and the proposal presented under the slogan "Central Prat” – the work of Jaume Carné and Claus en Kaan Architecten – was declared the winner. Subsequently, in 2010, working with the town council, the winning team drafted the Planning Guideline and Strategy Document for “Eixample Prat Nord”. This document is the basis for the development of future planning instruments.

This site has been inactive due to the economic situation for more than a decade. Now activity is being resumed and the site is considered to be one of the few locations of sufficient critical dimension to be included in the Metropolitan Urban Development Plan as an area of metropolitan opportunity.

During the last ten years, the environmental, energy and climate scenario has changed drastically. Greater environmental sensitivity, climate change and the energy crisis are forcing us to reconsider the model of new urban developments, bringing to the fore the set of measures to reduce energy consumption and production, as well as the creation of synergies in these fields. These are included in the 2030 Urban Agenda, the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the EU 2050 goals.

For all these reasons, what we are requesting from the EUROPAN 17 competition is neither a new arrangement, nor parameters different from those already included in the guidelines document, nor the urban development of the park. It is about updating and specifying renewable energy measures, proposals for optimising energy efficiency and sustainability, and adjustments in planning only if considered necessary, to reduce consumption or increase generation, establishing urban, building, and mobility elements, open spaces, street furniture and so on. A combination of public space and building-free areas with private building is essential. These are elements that must work together and contribute to the possibility of achieving an arrangement that manufactures the energy it consumes.

The role of the longitudinal park proposed in the winning design in the 2008 competition, which crosses the area in an east-west direction, is considered to be of great importance as the leading agent in the energy control, filtration and collection measures which the proposal and its revision must implement. It is a large, integrated, structuring, transversal element of public space in municipal public ownership which receives different networks, uses, connectors and infrastructures.


En fecha 16 de enero de 2009 se falló el concurso de ideas convocado para resolver la ordenación del ámbito; se declaró ganadora la propuesta presentada bajo el lema "Central Prat", obra de Jaume Carné y Claus en Kaan Architecten. Posteriormente, en 2010, el equipo ganador redactó conjuntamente con el Ayuntamiento, el Documento de directrices y estrategias de ordenación del “Eixample Prat Nord”. Este documento es la base para la elaboración de los futuros instrumentos de planeamiento.

Durante un periodo de tiempo de más de una década, este emplazamiento ha estado inactivo por la coyuntura económica. En este momento se retoma, considerándolo uno de los pocos emplazamientos de dimensión crítica suficiente y recogido en el PDU Metropolitano como ámbito de oportunidad metropolitana.

Durante este periodo de tiempo, el escenario medioambiental, energético y climático ha cambiado drásticamente. Una mayor sensibilidad ambiental, el cambio climático y la crisis energética obligan a reconsiderar el modelo de los nuevos desarrollos urbanos, pasando a un primer plano el conjunto de medidas de reducción de consumo y producción energética, así como la creación de sinergias en estos campos, tal y como recogen los documentos de la Agenda Urbana 2030, los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU y los objetivos 2050 de la UE.

Por todo lo anterior, lo que solicitamos al concurso EUROPAN 17, no es ni una nueva ordenación, ni unos parámetros diferentes a los que el documento de directrices ya recoge, ni la urbanización del parque. Se trata de la actualización y concreción de medidas energéticas renovables, propuestas de optimización de eficiencia energética y sostenibilidad, ajustes en la ordenación, solo si se considera necesario, para la reducción de consumo o aumento de captación, definiendo elementos urbanísticos, edificatorios, de movilidad, zonas verdes, mobiliario urbano…. La combinación de espacio público y zonas libres de edificación con la edificación privada resulta ineludible. Son elementos que deben colaborar y contribuir a la posibilidad de conseguir una ordenación que fabrique la energía que consume.

Se considera de gran importancia el papel del parque longitudinal propuesto en el proyecto ganador del concurso del 2008 que atraviesa el ámbito en sentido este-oeste, como agente protagonista de las medidas energéticas de control, filtro y captación, que la propuesta y su revisión deben llevar a cabo, como elemento de espacio público, integrado, vertebrador, transversal, de gran dimensión, de titularidad pública municipal, receptor de diferentes tejidos, usos, conectores e infraestructuras...

In the brief it is said that “the contribution of information regarding the economic impact associated with the construction and with the public space will be taken into account”. What does it mean? Do we have to present an economic proposal?

We are interested in having a notion of the economic impact that the entries represent for the area: not being a fully public sector, it is necessary that it is economically viable. In other words, the development and management costs must not exceed the income from the sale of the plots. We know that it is difficult to quantify energy measures precisely in economic terms, but we do want to ensure that the proposals are realistic, sensible and balanced, from the point of view of the economic balance of the operation. So, we do not ask for an exact calculation of the measures to be propagated, but they should have a minimally justified or reasoned economic logic.

Nos interesa tener una noción del impacto económico que las propuestas presentadas representan para el ámbito, ya que, al no ser un sector totalmente de titularidad pública, es necesario que sea económicamente viable. Es decir, los costes de urbanización y gestión no deben superar los ingresos derivados de la venta de los solares. Sabemos que es difícil cuantificar económicamente de manera precisa las medidas energéticas, pero sí que queremos, una reflexión de que las propuestas son realistas, sensatas y equilibradas, desde el punto de vista de balance económico de la operación. Así que, no pedimos un cálculo exacto de las medidas que se propagan, pero deberan tener una lógica económica mínimamente justificada o razonada. 

Buenas tardes, ¿Sería posible obtener el plano general del plan del 2010 en formato dwg o dxf ya que es la base sobre la que tenemos que trabajar? Muchas gracias.

The requested files have been added. Cf El Prat complete site folder: 0.New documents after launch

This site is connected to the following theme

Designing new habitats as a holistic environment

Some nature reserves around the world are deserts –hot or cold–, but they host all kinds of animals and microorganisms hiding in the cracks and crevices, under the rocks. Some of our sites look empty, vacant, but they are not. They are full of life: in the soil, in the air, in the breeze. They are part of a larger balance of natural forces and processes. On these sites, substantial new volumes of programme are required. Think of these sites as the opportunity to multiply the number of life forms, think of the request to build new habitats as an opportunity to design a holistic environment. Think tabula non-rasa!

Specific documents

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Fr. 16 June 2023
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