Le Palais (FR)

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Scales XL/S

Team representative Architect, urbanist and landscape architect
Location Le Palais, Belle Ile-en-Mer - Morbihan (56)
Population Municipality 2629 inhabitants, Belle-Île 5563 inhabitants

Reflection site Scale of the municipality 17.43 km2, scale of the city center 112 ha
Project site 5.3 ha and 13 ha of public spaces

Site proposed by City of Le Palais
Actors involved Le Palais, DDTM 56/SUHC, UDAP Morbihan, Agence Nationale de la Cohésion des Territoires, Région Bretagne, Conseil Départemental du Morbihan
Owner(s) of the site Le Palais

Commission after competition Study and project mission on one or more sites, strategic plan for public spaces.

More Information

Inhabited milieu's challenges

Le Palais is the largest of the 4 municipalities of Belle-Île-en-Mer. It refers to the specificities of any island situation defined by a rare space, tightly delimited. Its port, the main entrance to the island, welcomes visitors and goods daily. It extends into the ria which descends from the heights where rainwaters, the only source of drinking water, are stored. The city center of Le Palais is constrained in a space surrounded by topography and surrounded by a vast perimeter wall whose military history preserved a very wooded landscape within the municipality itself. The agricultural specificity of the island, maintained and anchored in the local identity, contributes to its ecological and landscape richness. Tourism is one of the main economic resources for its future, although the influx from outside partly increases the smallness of the island economic space. It structures and impacts the island, which goes from 6,000 inhabitants to 45,000 in the summer season.A supply of housing that is difficult and expensive to renovate contrasts with a supply of property for sale or to rent at very high prices, gradually making it almost impossible for the Palatines to have access to housing. The transit of goods generates an additional cost of the daily basket and the fuel price.The effects of climate change, visible with the hazards of marine submersion, have become annual. Both drinking water and food autonomy are fragile with new episodes of drought.The Palace is part of the “Petites Villes de Demain” program aimed at improving the quality of life in small central cities and their rural areas. Laboratory of current planetary conditions - tension on resources, social inequalities, climatic risks and their uncertain consequences - the site is a place of reflection around the singularities specific to the island and of storytelling of this island culture.

Questions to competitors

Le Palais has several expectations. First of all, re-questioning the ground of public spaces that are currently saturated, from the port to the city center to find new continuities.Then thinking of various offers of housing and services proposing new ways of living, more inclusive, accessible to islanders, seasonal workers and tourists, adapted to the aging of the population.
The proposals must open up to singular devices based on urban design, architecture and landscape. The approach of the Care must, by properly measuring them, take into account the existing relationships and solidarities. The municipality is actually far from the habits of consumption of the continent : the finiteness of resources and their management, imposes itself today even more as an invariant of any project, in terms of feeder, of constructive methods, supply and energy management. In addition, new equities are expected between island inhabitants and secondary residents, neo-ilians and visitors, who in different temporalities are interdependent and require new places of symbiotic relationships between them and with the island.
Finally, Le Palais is looking for a resilience that will bring nature and culture together: global warming, visible in the transformations at work in the island’s ecosystem, warns about the impact on its biodiversity. The concept of Care must also be accompanied by appropriate administrative, technical, legal or tax mechanisms. How, through project processes or operational assemblies, can we act on the preservation of biodiversity and maintain the balance between islanders and non-islanders? The actors of Le Palais expect from this session answers leading to new equalizations allowing to find new equities for the living.What are the experiments carried out elsewhere that could find new developments here or what are the new devices to be invented?

Questions on the site

Has the town of Le Palais or the region carried out any studies on the rise in water levels/submergence in the commune? Have they considered ways of mitigating their effects on the island?

LIDAR maps are available on the SHOM website www.data.SHOM.fr. No studies have been carried out on flooding events.

Is there a program to meet CCBI's needs for its head office?

As mentioned during the visit, the CCBI is considering the future of the Palais site. There is no programme to date. Hybridizations are possible, as was mentioned during the visit with the "Maison France Service".

Hello, we can't access the Europan FAQ, either for the site or for the rules. Could you please give us the access links?

Here's the link to the Le Palais website: https://www.europan-europe.eu/fr/session/europan-17/site/le-palais-fr(questions/answers on the website will be online shortly)

And for payment: https://www.europan-europe.eu/fr/session/europan-17/rules/, you must choose the item in the drop-down menu (team, registration...) according to your question.

Hello, will there be a report on the site visit? During the site visit, the site managers indicated that they would be sending additional documents. These have not yet been uploaded to the platform. Could you please send them to us?

The documents are available in New docs after launch in the complete site folder. These documents must not be distributed outside the Europan framework. The town of Le Palais has provided these documents for all purposes. The ORT is in progress and should not be circulated. The ORT contains a great deal of information and constitutes a programme of action by the town for the coming years. Some operations are in the process of being launched, while others are only at the intention or outline stage. As mentioned during the visit, the aim is to focus on the 3 operational sites and to develop a more global narrative for the wider area.

This site is connected to the following theme

Reimagining public space as a biodiverse landscape

Imagine public space as a biodiverse landscape. Imagine public space as the touching ground, the proof that YES, WE CAN –through design– address challenges caused by the crisis due to climate change, in terms of social and environmental issues. Imagine public space as the agent for inclusion of difference both in terms of humans and non-humans, as a mediator between new interdependencies. Imagine soils, water bodies, shores and eco-corridors as the main actors to guide complex transformation processes. On the following sites, public space is seen as the area where the topic of Living Cities is performed.

Questions on the site

You have to be connected –and therefore registered– to be able to ask a question.

Fr. 2 June 2023
Deadline for submitting questions

Fr. 16 June 2023
Deadline for answers

Before submitting a question, make sure it does not already appear in the FAQ.

Please ask questions on sites in the Sites section.
Please ask questions on rules in the Rules section.

If your question does not receive any answer in 10 days, check the FAQ to make sure the answer does not appear under another label or email the secretariat concerned by the question (national secretariat for the sites, European secretariat for the rules).

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*Europan is an European network of architectural, urban planning and landscape ideas competitions for young designers who take care of inhabited milieus, and followed by implementation processes

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