Europan 15 Results

Productive Cities 2


901 projects submitted on 47 sites in 12 european countries
44 winners – 47 runners-up – 45  special mentions

901 projects have been submitted in the Europan 15 competition on the 47 european sites in 12 countries.

The 11 juries of the 15th Europan competition have named in total 136 teams among which 44 winners (prize of 12 000 euros each) and 47 runners-up (prize of 6 000 euros each), plus 45 special mentions (honorary prize). The 136 winning teams are based in 17 different countries

>> Click here to download the complete list of prizes 

>> Click here to see the press release and the  11 juries reports

We will publish in Spring 2020 the E15 RESULTS CATALOGUE presenting the winning projects with the winning teams’ and the juries’ points of view as well as with experts' analyses of the results from the angle of the innovating proposals on the session theme. The catalogue will be available for sale on the European website and in bookshops and for free online consultation around the same time.

>> Pre-order here the European results catalogue at a discount price until its publication!

During 2020 PORTRAITS of the rewarded teams will be published online. An EXHIBITION of the winning projects will be set up for the Inter-Sessions Forum in Fall 2020, to which the winning teams will be invited.