Des ailes et des racines

Collectif Hyacinthe s’Imagine
Including the 3 teams:
Camille Le Bivic, Florent Vidaling
Diana Levin, Sidonie Bouillerot, Elodie Bru, Francois Ricros
Guillaume Duranel, Frédéric Blaise, Julia Lenoir

Communauté d’Agglomération Roissy Pays de France
City of Goussainville
PUCA (Plan Urbain Construction Architecture)

Competition team
Diana Levin (AT)
Sidonie Bouillerot (FR)
Elodie Bru (FR)
Francois Ricros (FR)

Europan 13 Goussainville


Goussainville challenges us in the way of a modern Pompeii. We propose to reverse the situation and consider it as a windfall for the inhabitants to reconnect with their territory, particularly affected by disconnections. Economical pressure induced by the airport shows its limits in form of a race of space-consuming projects, resulting in increasing farmland consumption as industrial and commercial follow land push forward.
The village does not strictly belong to the metropolitan corridor, but the noise-pollution-plan moderates land speculation. Emissions produced by the airport contribute to pollution level peaks. To support the securing of land property and the reduction of atmospheric pollution, we propose to develop forestry on a local scale and to let the village shine as a wood-laboratory display.
Goussainville's future implies the foundation of agricultural activities, of the social landscape and natural spaces within the area. Forestry under a much larger angle, our proposal develops within decades and implies a diversified pool of key players. Between city and village, it articulates around 3 objectives: ecology, landscape and production.
As a unifying resource, it persists in time with principles of circular economy and shared governance. While public funding are expected as project instigator, private funding are hoped for to create sustainable connections with all significant players of forest-based activities.

The 3 projects present common ideas: participation with the inhabitants; development of the patrimonial value; the relation with the river Croult, going through the village. The agglomeration gave a contract to the 3 teams (which gathered in an association named “Yacinthe s’Imagine”) for an urban and programmatic feasibility study, with a participative diagnosis, programmatic scenarios and economic evaluation. Programmatic orientations have re-emerged from the work with the inhabitants: crafts, participatory building site, agriculture, cultural value of the village, lodging of leisure.
A guide plan of Vieux Pays has been developed and validated. “Yacinthe s’Imagine” helped communities to take the project over and organized the pre-operational phase, which allowed some temporary facility.

Site informations


Synthetic site file EN | FR

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*Europan is an European network of architectural, urban planning and landscape ideas competitions for young designers who take care of inhabited milieus, and followed by implementation processes